Documentation EN
User manual of ScrybApp editor v 1.5
1. Principle
ScrybApp allows you to create and run a text content template. The model is in the form of an oriented graph composed of nodes and arcs. Nodes can contain text, update global variables, arcs can carry conditions. The execution of a model requires a starting point and a number of nodes to be executed. The path in the graph is chosen randomly and according to the conditions on the arcs. Each time a node is executed, its textual content is concatenated to obtain the global textual content.
2. User interface
(1) List of nodes that make up the model (the oriented graph)
(2) List of variables used in the nodes
(3) Condition(s) to be able to execute a node
If all conditions are checked then the node is executed.
(4) Editing Node Information
Be able to edit the text content to be displayed when the node is executed, as well as the text variants. One of the phrases is executed randomly.
You can output the list of successor nodes to be executed.
(5) Text content of the node
(6) Create a new node
(7) Replace part of the text with the value of a variable
Where the part of the text to be replaced corresponds, it is replaced by the value of the variable indicated.
(8) Assigning a value or variable to another variable
(9) Accessing the successor node
(10) Name of the successor node
(11) Choose the language of the editor interface
(12) Project name
(13) Perform a quick backup
(14) Load a quick backup
(15) Exporting the project in "Json" format
(16) Importing a project in "Json" format
(17) Server address for running a template
(18) Name of the starting node
(19) Number of nodes to be executed
(20) List of nodes already covered, in order to continue the route
(21) Execute the model model with the detailed information in each node
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